Introductory Statement
This policy was drawn up in response to technological advances which have seen a significant increase in our school population over recent years.
The aim of this Acceptable Use Policy is to ensure that pupils will benefit from learning opportunities offered by the school’s Internet resources in a safe and effective manner. Internet use and access is considered a school resource and privilege. Therefore, if the school AUP is not adhered to this privilege will be withdrawn and appropriate sanctions as outlined in the AUP will be imposed.
It is envisaged that school and parents will revise the AUP annually.
Before signing, the AUP should be read carefully to ensure that the conditions of use are accepted and understood.
This version of the AUP was created on April 2018 by the Staff.
School’s Strategy
The school recognises that the online world is now a part of everyday life and digital literacy skills are key life skills for children. Children now require the tools to navigate the internet safely, be savvy when evaluating online information, know how to protect personal information, respect copyright and know where to get help if problems arise. The school looks for opportunities both formally and informally across the curriculum to reinforce internet safety.
The school employs a number of strategies in order to maximise learning opportunities and reduce risks associated with the Internet. These strategies are as follows:
- Internet sessions will always be supervised by a teacher.
- Filtering software and/or equivalent systems will be used in order to minimise the risk of exposure to inappropriate material.
- The school will regularly monitor pupils’ Internet usage.
- Students and teachers will be provided with training in the area of Internet safety. This will be part of our Stay Safe programme.
- Uploading and downloading of non-approved software will not be permitted.
- Virus protection software will be used and updated on a regular basis.
- The use of personal memory sticks, CD-ROMs, or other digital storage media in school requires a teacher’s permission.
- Students will treat others with respect at all times and will not undertake any actions that may bring the school into disrepute.
World Wide Web
- Students will not intentionally visit Internet sites that contain obscene, illegal, hateful or otherwise objectionable materials.
- A filtering service is managed by the NCTEM working closely with the Department of Education. The school will provide internet filter Level 4 which blocks inappropriate websites.
- Children will not have unsupervised access to the YouTube website.
- Teachers using the YouTube website must first check the content of the video clip before showing to the class.
- Students will report accidental accessing of inappropriate materials in accordance with school procedures. Children will minimize the inappropriate page and alert the teacher as quickly as possible.
- Students will use the Internet for educational purposes only.
- Students will not copy information into assignments and fail to acknowledge the source (plagiarism and copyright infringement)
- Students will never disclose or publicise personal information.
- Downloading materials or images not relevant to their studies, is in direct breach of the school’s acceptable use policy.
- Students will be aware that any usage, including distributing or receiving information, school-related or personal, may be monitored for unusual activity, security and/or network management reasons.
- Some children have access to school iPads/tablets/laptops through the Assistive Technology Grant. These devices may only be brought home on the agreement of the class teacher/principal.
- Students should never leave their iPad/tablet/laptop unattended when in use
- Students should follow teacher’s instructions accessing only the applications to which the teacher has agreed.
- Students require permission before sending any form of electronic message.
- Audio or vision taken at school cannot be transmitted, broadcast or transferred without the teachers’ permission.
The camera and audio recording functions may only be used under the teachers’ direction. iPads/Tablets/Laptops
- Identity theft (Pretending to be someone else) is in direct breach of the school’s acceptable use policy.
- In the event of a child accidentally accessing inappropriate material or images during a lesson, the student will immediately minimize the page and report the incident to the class teacher without attracting the attention of other students.
- iPads/tablets/laptops must be handled with care at all times.
- Any damage to the device must be reported immediately to the teacher.
- Students will use approved class email accounts under supervision by or permission from a teacher.
- Students will not send or receive any material that is illegal, obscene, defamatory or that is intended to annoy or intimidate another person.
- Students will not reveal their own or other people’s personal details, such as addresses or telephone numbers or pictures.
- Students will never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they only know through emails or the internet.
- Students will note that sending and receiving email attachments is subject to permission from their teacher.
- Chat rooms, discussion forums and other electronic communication forums will only be used for educational purposes and will always be supervised.
- Usernames will be used to avoid disclosure of identity.
- Face-to-face meetings with someone organised via Internet chat will be forbidden.
School Website/Social Media Websites
- Pupils will be given the opportunity to publish projects, artwork or school work on the World Wide Web/Social Media in accordance with clear policies and approval processes regarding the content that can be loaded to the school’s website/Social Media Websites e.g. Facebook/Twitter.
- The website will be regularly checked to ensure that there is no content that compromises the safety of pupils or staff.
- The publication of student work will be co-ordinated by a teacher.
- Pupils’ work will appear in an educational context on Web pages with a copyright notice prohibiting the copying of such work without express written permission.
- The school will endeavour to use digital photographs, audio or video clips focusing on group activities. Content focusing on individual students will not be published on the school website without the parental permission. Video clips may be password protected.
- Personal pupil information including home address and contact details will be omitted from school web pages.
- The school website will avoid publishing the first name and last name of individuals in a photograph.
- The school will ensure that the image files are appropriately named – will not use pupils’ names in image file names.
- Pupils will continue to own the copyright on any work published.
Personal Devices
Pupils using their own technology in school, such as leaving a mobile phone turned on or using it in class, sending nuisance text messages, or the unauthorized taking of images with a mobile phone camera, still or moving is in direct breach of the school’s acceptable use policy. (Refer to Mobile Policy)
The internet is available for staff personal and professional use. Personal use of the internet should not occur during class time.
Support Structures
The school will inform students and parents of key support structures and organisations that deal with illegal material or harmful use of the Internet.
Some material available on the internet is unsuitable for children and therefore the guidelines in this policy must be adhered to at all times. Access to the Internet will be withdrawn from pupils who fail to maintain acceptable standards of use. Internet access in school includes a strict filtering service yet no filtering service is completely foolproof.
Parents can be contacted if unsuitable content is viewed.
Misuse of the Internet may result in disciplinary action, including written warnings, withdrawal of access privileges and, in extreme cases, suspension or expulsion. The school also reserves the right to report any illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.
All of these sanctions are in line with our schools’ Code of Behaviour Policy.
Roles and Responsibilities
All staff shares in the co-ordination and implementation of this policy.
This policy is monitored on an ongoing basis and amendments added as new technology comes on stream.
Policy Ratification
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management of Scoil Mocheallóg in 2018.
Canon William Fitzmaurice Chairperson Date: January 2018