Policy for Division of Classes / Allocation re Multi-grade Classes
This policy has been developed by the teaching staff of Scoil Mocheallóg. The following has been agreed.
should be noted that:
· Most schools in Ireland now have
multi-grade classes and Educational research shows very positive benefits for
pupils in these groups.
· Multi-grade classes afford pupils an excellent opportunity to make new friends and old friends will have plenty of opportunities to see each other at yard time or for activities such as swimming, sacrament preparation, drama and school tours etc
· The school reserves the right to place a child with S.E.N. (Special educational needs) in the group most appropriate to that child’s needs.
In the interest of –
- providing the best education for all pupils,
- being in keeping with DES regulations on class size and enrolment
- making optimum use of teaching resources
It may be necessary to divide and combine classes into
multi-grade groups.
Aims & Objectives of this Policy:
· To provide a framework for organising multi-grade classes-e.g. Selection of Classes; selection of pupils and communication with staff and parents.
- To outline the criteria on which children will be selected for such classes.
- To work within the parameters of the school’s Enrolment Policy.
- To allow for effective communication of the policy with staff & parents.
Framework for organising multi-grade classes:
At the time of planning classes for the coming year, the Principal will look at:
- the overall numbers of children in the school and
- the number of teachers available to the school as per the relevant D.E.S. Staffing Schedule.
principal will decide how best to organise classes with a view to providing the
best educational opportunities for all pupils. The following steps will apply
where there is a need to create multi-grade classes:
Steps in process towards creating Multi-grade groups:
- Review of numbers in each year group.
- Review of number of teachers available to the school.
- Discussion & planning with teachers of classes involved.
- In June of each year, parents will be informed (if there are to be multi-grade classes the following year) explaining the class groups and how the decision was arrived at in keeping with this policy.
- Every effort will be made to keep numbers in the multi-grade class smaller than that in straight classes.
- Straight & Multi-grade Class groups will be of mixed age & ability.
- A record will be kept of those children who are placed in a multi-grade class. When this class is next due to be split, every effort will be made to place these children in a straight class.
- A complete list will be compiled of children in class groupings. Each group will rotate into the multi-grade class at least once and possibly twice or three times.
- No child will be in a multi-grade class in consecutive school years.
- Once class divides have been organised for a school year, we will not under normal circumstances be willing to change pupil’s places.
- All classes will be reunited at break times and for school activities.
Supporting procedures for multi-grade classes:
- Teachers will, together, plan the scheme of work to be covered.
- Team teaching/ Co-operative teaching approaches will be used as appropriate.
Allocation of teachers:
It is the duty of the Principal, as per Circular 16/73,
to assign teaching duties.
Ratification, Communication & Review:
This policy will be reviewed in February 2020 or before if necessary in keeping with D.E.S. requirements.
This Policy was ratified by the Board of Management of Scoil Mocheallóg at its meeting in March 2018
Signed: Canon William Fitzmaurice. March 2018