At Scoíl Mocheallóg we have just been awarded our 4th Green Flag, the Travel Flag.

In September 2018 we began the 2 year journey to getting our 5th flag, The Biodiversity Flag.

The four flags we currently hold are:

  • Water Flag for water conservation received in 2016
  • Energy flag received in 2014
  • Waste / Recycling Flag received in 2012
  • Travel Flag received in 2018

Classes 2nd to 4th are involved in maintaining these flags. ie different classes have different duties such as:

  • Collecting Recyclable rubbish on a daily basis
  • Checking that lights / computers/ whiteboards are being turned off
  • Warning about water wastage
  • Encouraging pupils to walk to school if at all possible or to at least walk part of the way

The following are some of the green school initiatives being run in our school by the Green School Committee

  1. ‘Walk on Wednesday’ where pupils are encouraged to walk to school on Wednesdays
  2. ‘The Golden Shoe’ where the class with the most walkers gets a ‘Golden Shoe’ for the week!
  3. Cycle workshops and classes.
  4. ‘Park and Stride’ where pupils are encouraged to park a distance from the school and walk some of the way
  5. Junior and senior Infants now have balance bikes and scooters at break times, once a week 6. We have sent a submission to the County Council with suggestions for making walking and cycling to school safer for our pupils.