Introductory Statement
This policy was drawn up in response to technological advances which have seen a significant increase in the use of hand held electronics devices such as mobile phones, tablets, iPads, MP3s/iPods etc amongst the school population over recent years.
It is recognised that mobile phones can be intrusive and distracting in all situations and particularly in schools. It is also a concern on the grounds of Health and Safety.
Scoil Mocheallóg does not allow the pupils to have mobile phones or other electronics devices in their possession in school.
However, if a pupil needs to bring a mobile phone or electronic device to school they do so at their own risk.
The phone is switched off at the school gate and handed to the class teacher first thing in the morning by the student. The teacher will store the device in a secure location. The pupil asks the teacher for the phone at the end of the school day.
Children who need to contact home during the school may do so through the school secretary or class teacher.
Use of mobile phones/electronic devices is not permitted during after school activities such as sports training/homework club etc. If a child brings a phone to school and receives it at the end of the school day, the phone must remain turned off in their school bags during these activities. The school accepts no liability for loss or damage to phones during this time.
The use of school owned electronic devices (Ipads/tablets) is strictly under the supervision of staff and in line with our IT and Acceptable Use policy. All apps will be agreed upon by staff/parents/guardians.
Any pupil who brings a mobile phone or electronic device to school and does not hand it to the teacher, risks having it confiscated and not having it returned until a parent/guardian collects it.
If a phone/device is perceived to be in use by the pupil during the school day e.g. taking a picture/recording, this will be considered a serious offence (in line with our Code of Behaviour). The pupil will risk having the phone confiscated immediately, parents/guardians notified to check the phone/device for inappropriate content and to have the content deleted. Further sanctions may occur in line with our Anti-Bullying policy.
The school will take no responsibility for any loss or damage to mobile phones or devices within the school.
The use of Mobile phones by staff for essential calls is kept to a minimum. Mobile phones may be used as a way to contact staff internally with regard to urgent notifications within the school.
Staff may require the use of their own mobile phones to contact parents/guardians on occasion.
School Outings
Mobile phones/electronic devices are not permitted on school outings. However, if it is imperative that a child requires one to contact home after the outing, the phone shall be given to the teacher at the beginning of the trip, placed in a bag and left in a suitable place for the duration of the trip (which may be on the bus). The device will be returned to the child upon arriving in Kilmallock.
The school accepts no responsibility for any loss/damage to phones/electronic devices during school outings.
Roles and Responsibilities
All the staff share in the co-ordination and implementation of this policy.
The policy was ratified by the BOM in April 2018.
Signature: Canon William Fitzmaurice
Chairperson of Board of Management
Date: April 2018