In Scoil Mocheallóg Science is an important part of our curriculum. It is a subject that really captures the child’s interest.
The senior science curriculum focuses on the strands of Materials and Change, Human Environments, Living Things, Materials, Natural Environments, Energy and Forces, an Environmental Awareness and Care.
STEM is now a part of our science curriculum. STEM stand for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Classes often engage in STEM projects throughout the year.
One of the highlights of science in the Junior side of the school is the Science Fair that 2nd class children run every year as part of Science Week. The children work in groups creating projects on various strands from the science curriculum. They then invite all children from Junior Infants to First Class to share in their discoveries. The younger children really enjoy this hands-on, in-house Science Fair
When the weather is good, biodiversity expert Geoff Hunts takes the children exploring the wonderful natural wildlife and flowers in our local area.