Policy on Tours and Outings in Scoil Mocheallóg

Each class at Scoil Mocheallóg goes on an annual school tour in early summer.

Other occasions may arise when children have to travel from the school to matches, award ceremonies, competitions etc.

On all of these occasions, the organiser will ensure that:

  • Tenders are sought for transport
  • A form of transport appropriate to the distance and the number travelling will be chosen
  • All modes of transport must have working safety belts

The driver will have responsibility for the safety of the children while they are travelling but the teacher reserves the right to intervene if he/she feels that the safety of the children is compromised.

Teachers will be responsible for the behaviour of the children on the bus and will ensure that all children remain seated while travelling.

Conduct on Tours:

Pupil’s behaviour on tours will comply with the standards as set down in the School’s Code of Behaviour. When it is felt that a child’s conduct would pose a safety risk or inhibit the educational benefit for self or others, the teacher may refuse the child permission to travel. Parents will be advised of this in advance.

Safety and Supervision:

One teacher will accompany 15-18 children on tour.

Teachers will be extra vigilant when taking children out of school. Special attention will be paid to;

  • Road safety
  • Behaviour on bus
  • Risks posed by particular venues

Informing Parents:

Teachers will ensure that parents are given sufficient notice of:

  • Itinerary
  • Cost
  • Special clothing requirements
  • Lunch requirements
  • Amount of spending money (if any allowed)

Other Concerns and practices;

Teachers will bring a first aid box on school tours.

Teachers will bring a working phone and contact information for all parents on school tours.

Teachers will notify the school in case of serious delay so that parents can be informed through Parents Alert.

Mobile phones will be handed over at beginning of tour and returned at end. 

If a child brings more than the allowed amount of spending money on a tour, the teacher may confiscate the excess and return it to the child when they arrive home.

Efforts will be made to limit the cost of tours.  €20 in Juniors to 2nd classes and €30 in 3rd to 6th classes. 

Exceptions may be made in certain cases but parents will be asked in advance for their opinion before a tour is decided upon. Pupils will be offered the opportunity to save over time.

Signed:   Canon William Fitzmaurice

Chairperson of Board of Management.

Date:  January 2018