Policy on Visitors to Scoil Mocheallóg
To provide a safe and secure environment for our students and staff.
To establish protocols and procedures that effectively monitor and manage visitors, whilst not compromising the open and inviting nature of the school.
To ensure we are compliant with our procedures for managing risks to pupils in accordance with our Child Safeguarding statement.
Visitors to the school are defined as all people other than staff members and students
Type of Visitor
1. Parents
2. Department of Education & Science Officials
3. Clergy
4. Childcare providers /afterschool care providers
5. Paid coaches and instructors
6. Volunteers (parents, sport coaches, etc.)
7. Contractors
The school principal shall have the authority to determine which visits are permitted as well as the discretion to set any appropriate conditions on the nature and extent of such visits. In exercising this discretion, the principal shall consider the purpose of the visit, the impact of the visitor’s presence and the relationship of any visitor to the students.
School personnel shall seek to assure that parents and other visitors are courteously received and that sincere efforts are made to provide them with the information as may be needed to foster a cooperative relationship between home, school and community.
- All visitors shall report to the school office when arriving or leaving the school premises. Notices shall be displayed at the entrance to the building indicating that all visitors are required to register with the school office and sign in the Visitors book when entering the premises.
- They will then obtain authorization from the secretary / principal to remain on the school premises. All visitors shall be requested to wear an appropriate form of identification when on school premises. A lanyard with ‘visitor’ clearly displayed on the tag, outlines to staff and pupils hat this person is a visitor to the school
This will be returned when leaving the premises.
- Whenever possible, visitors should obtain authorisation from the principal in advance.
- On arrival at the school they will still be asked to wear identification and sign in.
5. Visits may be prohibited at certain times such as the first and last weeks of school, immediately before or after school holidays or other breaks and while preparations for school events are being conducted.
6. All school visitors must comply at all times with Board of Management and DES policies rules and school regulations.
Parents as Visitors
Parents wishing to meet with teachers during the course of the school day must make arrangements in advance to settle an agreed time which is suitable to all parties.
Parents who visit the premises during the school day to collect students for external appointments are asked to report to the school office and sign their child out and in if the student returns to school before the end of the school day.
Parents who have been invited to visit the school as part of an, open day, special event such as Grandparents Day, or scheduled school performance /mass are exempt from requirements 1 to 4.
Lunches/homework /class textbooks PE /sports equipment can be left with secretary who will arrange delivery to student.
School door will be opened at 2pm to facilitate Parents/Guardians of Infants to collect their children.
Paid Coaches & Instructors
All coaches /instructors will work under the supervision of a designated teacher. All must show their Garda vetting disclosures to the Principal prior to commencement.
All should have a recognised qualification in the activity they are to deliver and have Child Protection training and should have appropriate experience of working with young people.
All must provide the names and contact details for two character referees.
Coaches and instructors must have current public liability insurance also.
Volunteers who will be on the premises during school hours must submit a Garda vetting form and must be supervised by staff.
Guest Speakers
Guest speakers may be invited to the school where the principal teacher’s authorisation has been sought and where it has been deemed that the use of such a speaker will bring specific knowledge and expertise to enrich the planned curriculum. Guest Speakers on subjects/areas other than the approved curriculum must be approved by the Principal prior to being invited to the school. They will be supervised by the teacher during their time with the pupils.
Contractors who may regularly have staff on the premises during the school day will be required to wear a visitor lanyard. Contractors who may occasionally visit the premises during the school day must be accompanied by a member of staff.
Both custodial and non-custodial parents of a Scoil Mocheallóg student have rights to visit the child’s school unless a court order exists restricting such contact. In the event that a non-custodial parent seeks permission to visit, the school shall make every effort to notify the custodial parent in advance of the visit.
The principal has the authority to exclude from the school premises any person who disrupts or who appears likely to become a disruption to the educational program. Any such individual shall be directed to leave the school premises immediately and law enforcement authorities shall be called if necessary.
Policy Ratification
This Policy was ratified by the Board of Management of Scoil Mocheallóg in April 2018.
Canon William Fitzmaurice Chairperson of Board of Management